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Faceted Gourd

The Collection > Glass > Second Part

  • Glass

  • Faceted double gourd

  • Transparent sapphire-blue glass, double-gourd form with a cylindrical neck, wide mouth, flat lip and protruding, flat circular foot; both upper and lower bulbs faceted with a series of offset panels with straight vertical edges and bulging horizontal ones.

    Imperial glassworks.

    Particularly unusual is the faceting on the gourd form, as the facets of the upper and lower bulbs are offset. Other two similar bottles have been recorded so far.


  • 1750 - 1860


  • Height cm. 6.1
  • Mouth cm. 0.95
  • Lip cm. 1.54


  • Tourmaline with gilt collar


  • Escaveted from a tomb in the environs of Beijing (by repute)
  • Guwan Cheng, Beijing, May 2008
  • Hugh Moss


  • 41st Convention I.C.S.B.S., Dublin, October 2009
  • Palazzina delle Arti: Museo del Sigillo (Seal Museum), La Spezia - Italy, November 2010 - January 2011


  • Atomo Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Foti, no. 14, p. 19

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